Francois Randall

Francois Randall
Aspiring Software Engineer

  • +27.735899710
  • LinkedIn


My name is Francois Randall and here is a short description of myself. I am someone that likes looking at life from all different angles. This allows me to live my life according to the new perspective that I have uncovered through looking through these various angles. Some of my hobbies include spending time with my friends and loved ones, playing games, having deep conversations and locating new pizza restaurants.

I started working from a young age, as I felt bad asking my parents for money when I wanted something. This lead me to start working, make my own money and buy the things I want, myself. My journey started in the fitness industry, working as a fitness instructor and personal trainer. I then decided to go into more technological direction, as that is where the world was moving to. This way of thinking lead me to position in a web hosting company where I have gained so many skills.

From my position in the web hosting company, I aspired to become a Software Engineer for various reasons. I am very excited to start this new journey and build up a lot of experience. My biggest aspiration at the moment is to grow in a technological company to the point where I can become part of the business side of operations.


Jan 2011 - Dec 2015

Brackenfell High School

Feb 2016 - Nov 2017

eta College
Diploma - Exercise Specialist

May 2021 - Aug 2021


2016 - 2021

EPT Recovery / Steiner / Udemy
Short course certificates provided on request


April 2017 - Dec 2017

Virgin Active
Fitness Instructor

  • Lead group exercise classes.
  • Educate members regarding overall health and fitness.

March 2018 - May 2018

Fitness consultant
Fitness Consultant

  • Lead Seminars.
  • Lead group exercise classes.
  • Sell health products.

Aug 2018 - Nov 2018

Virgin Active
Fitness Instructor

  • Lead group exercise classes.
  • Educate members regarding overall health and fitness.

Dec 2018 - Mar 2020

Virgin Active
Personal Trainer

  • Lead group exercise classes.
  • Educate members regarding overall health and fitness.
  • Gain/Retain/Motivate clients.
  • Assist clients to achieve their health/fitness/mental goal.

March 2020 - Apr 2021

Customer Service Consultant

  • Assist customers with web hosting/DNS queries.
  • Work in a team to achieve excellent customer service.


Overall Skills

  • Time Management
  • Public Speaking
  • Self Organised
  • Group Management
  • DNS Management
  • Motivating others


  • Java
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • Basic CSS/HTML


Task Manager

A program that requests a valid username and password before logging the user into the menu. Once logged in the user can choose actions from the below list of actions, which have their own individual user input requests

  1. Add task
  2. View all tasks
  3. View my tasks
  4. Register new user
  5. Generate Report
  6. Statistics
  7. Exit

Finance Calculator

This program can be used by whomever requires and easier way to calculate a total investment or the monthly amount for a bond. The progrm will request if you wish to calculate an investment or a bond for a house. Depending on your answer, the relevant input will be requested to calculate the respective outcomes.

Project Manager

A program that allows the user to add building development project details along with customer, contractor and architect details. The initial user menu will have the below options and store the data into a database accordingly.

  1. Add new Project
  2. View non-finalized Projects
  3. View Projects past due date
  4. Edit or Finalize Project
  5. Display all Projects

Kindly follow this link to take you to my gitHub profile

Kindly follow this link to read through my blog surrounding the topic, Concurrency

Kindly follow this link to read through my blog surrounding the topic, Interfaces

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